• 1129

    Alaska Teamster Employer-Service Training Trust

  • 1431

    Alaska Trowel Trades Apprenticeship & Training Trust

  • 1124

    Alaska Ironworkers Local Union 751

  • 1130

    Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship & Training Trust

  • 1134

    Alaska Piledrivers and Divers Joint Training Program

  • 1126

    Alaska Southcentral/Southeastern Sheet Metal Workers Local Union #23 Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee

  • 1128

    Alaska Laborers Training School

  • 1132

    Alaska Millwright Training Center

  • 1133

    Southern Alaska Carpenter Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee

  • 1135

    Boilermakers Apprenticeship Training

  • 1221

    Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers – Local 97 Apprentice Training

  • 1235

    Plumbers & Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee

  • 1392

    Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 of Alaska Apprenticeship and Training

The Alaska Apprenticeship Training Coordinators Association (AATCA) is composed of the Joint Administered Training Committee’s (JATC’s) of more than 16 different union construction crafts. The JATC’s engage in providing quality training for the majority of construction apprentices in Alaska. Additionally they offer enhancement classes for journeyman craftsmen and Construction Academy courses for men and women to prepare them for applying to an apprenticeship or a career in the trades.


According to Alaska Economic Trends and Alaska DOL-WD, Research and Analysis Section, Alaska has seen a decline in all sectors of Alaska’s economy and a more broad-based decline was forecasted for 2017. The two major obstacles being the drop in oil prices and shedding of jobs by employers sensitive to these prices. Despite all these changes, Construction in Alaska continues to be a major player in the job industries. New projects will continue to come and work will continue on existing developments and projects thanks in part by those federally funded. Although it may be a slow growth we are confident that there will be a need for ongoing training and apprenticeship opportunities to put Alaskans to work.


The top occupations for young high earners is still in the construction industries according to Alaska Economic Trends. Of the more than 100,000 working Alaskans under age 30; 18.9% were in Construction and another 34% in Mining/Oil and Gas with an average income $66,600. Construction occupations are continuing to see an increase in women workers although they only currently make up about 10% of the workforce. Programs like Women in the Trades through our affiliation with Alaska Works Partnership hope to continue to increase that statistic.


It is proven that union construction prevailing wages are higher-than-average in Alaska and along with the additional benefits such as pension, healthcare and ongoing training; continues to provide apprentices and journeyworkers a true living wage. Beginning your career in construction as an apprentice and learning while being paid on-the-job are an excellent opportunity for both men and women to create a solid foundation in construction occupations. Apprenticeship is often referred to as “the other 4-year degree” but without the debt associated with other higher education.


The JATC’s offer many options and many opportunities to learn a skill and help you into a career in construction. We are confident that the JATC programs that make up the AATCA provide a well-trained workforce for the construction industry. The AATCA members believe that Alaska needs to continue to train for the future.


If registered apprenticeship is the direction for you, browse through the list of Industry Training Providers and contact that trade school directly to discover your path to a Career!


Cheri Lipps, President
Alaska Apprenticeship Training Coordinators Association