The Piledrivers & Divers Local 2520 started their apprenticeship program in 1972. The training school is co-located with the union hall on East 8th Avenue in Anchorage. The school trains piledrivers – the heavy and highway construction division of the carpenters. Work as a piledriver can best be described as heavy construction involving specific skills in the areas of piledriving, rough carpentry, cutting and welding. Piledrivers typically work on bridges, platforms, highways, piers, underwater pipelines and other large construction projects.
Piledrivers & Divers Apprentice Training School Facts
The Piledrivers and Divers Apprenticeship Program shares space with the Southern Alaska Carpenters Training Center. The program currently employs one full time instructor and one part-time instructor. The school has doubled the number of apprentices in the last five years. The program continues to look at implementing new classes to keep up with changing technologies in the industry.
Frank Mucci
Alaska Carpenters Training Trust
Training Director
Frank Mucci
Director of Training
8751 King Street
Anchorage, AK 99515
(907) 344-1541
(907) 272-7577
Fax (907) 349-5823
Employer Trustees
Tom Ulrich, American Marine
Paul Swalling, Swalling Construction
Labor Trustees
Doug Tweedy, PNWRCC
Steve Abel, Piledrivers and Divers Local 252