Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 367 started their apprenticeship program in Anchorage on October 6, 1949. The training school is located South of International Airport Road on Potter Drive. The school trains apprentices and journeyman in plumbing, pipefitting, welding, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, instrumentation controls and all aspects of construction work associated with the plumbing trade. Anchorage Area Plumbers & Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee
Plumbers and Pipefitters Training Center School Facts
The Plumbers and Pipefitters recently built a new training center on their Potter Drive training site. The 9600 square foot school trains plumbers and pipefitters for projects located South of the 63rd parallel in Alaska. The program currently employs one full time instructor and four part-time instructors. The Plumbers and Pipefitters apprenticeship is a five year, 10,000 hour program.
Jason Fernandes
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
Mr. Jason Fernandes
617 West Potter Drive
Anchorage, AK 99518
Office: (907) 562-2890
Cell: (907) 227-6398
Fax: (907) 562-0083
Employer Trustees
Taylor Johnson (Recording Secretary), International Mechanical
Doug Schutte, Siemens Industry
Steve Cox, Norcoast Mechanical
Brian Ulz, Mantech Mechanical
Labor Trustees
Aaron Plikat (Chairman)
Andrew Mindala
Everett Collins III
Tony Jones