Fairbanks Alaska Area Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship Committee

The Plumbers and Pipefitters training program in Fairbanks, Alaska is one of the oldest construction trades program in the State of Alaska. This program was established with Alaska contractors in 1951, and has provided apprenticeship and journeyman training to thousands of Alaskans in the plumbing and pipefitting trade, since its establishment over 60 years ago.


Plumbers and Pipefitters/Mechanical Contractors of Fairbanks School Facts


The Plumbers and Pipefitters Training School is located in Fairbanks, Alaska in the Aurora area of Fairbanks on 1978 Burgess Street. It is a two story; 12,000 square foot facility constructed in 1978 and sits on approximately two acres of land. This school trains Alaskans in the plumbing and pipefitting trades who are employed on construction projects located North of the 63rd parallel in Alaska and on maintenance and construction work on the Trans- Alaska Pipeline from the North Slope to Valdez.


The school employs two full time and four part-time instructors. Training includes the training of registered apprentices and journeyman upgrades classes in the plumbing, pipefitting, welding, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, instrumentation controls, and all aspects of construction work, including training in job health and safety, rigging, mathematics, supervisor and sexual harassment. The apprenticeship is a five year, 10,000 hour program.

Rodney Wolcott
Training Director

Rodney Wolcott
Training Director


UA Local 375 JATC
Plumbers and Pipefitters Training School
1978 Burgess Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99709


Phone: (907) 456-5989
Fax: (907) 456-5905

Employer Trustees
Mel Weeks – Patrick Mechanical
Tom FIsher – Aaron Plumbing
Mike McGlinchy – TCI


Labor Trustees

Bob Hubbard
Charlie Bennett
Eric Macchione